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Data Protection

1. Name and address of the person responsible

Hans sucht das Glück e.V.
Kartäuserwall 18
50678 Cologne

2. Data protection officer

Hans Mörtter

3. General information on data processing

We collect and use personal data of our users only insofar as this is necessary to provide a functional website and our content and services and a legal basis allows us to do so.

Legal basis for the processing of personal data
Insofar as we obtain the consent of the data subject for the processing of personal data, Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a GDPR serves as the legal basis for the processing of personal data.

Insofar as the processing of personal data is necessary to fulfil a legal obligation to which the association is subject, Art. 6 para. 1 lit. c GDPR serves as the legal basis.

In the event that vital interests of the data subject or another natural person require the processing of personal data, Art. 6 para. 1 lit. d GDPR serves as the legal basis.

If the processing is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in the organisation, Art. 6 para. 1 lit. e GDPR serves as the legal basis for the processing. If the processing is necessary to safeguard a legitimate interest of the association or a third party and if the interests, fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject do not outweigh the former interest, Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR serves as the legal basis for the processing. This does not apply if the association is acting in an official capacity in the corresponding processing.

Duration of storage of personal data
The personal data of the data subject will only be stored by us for as long as the purpose of the storage exists. If the processing is based on the consent of the data subject, the data will only be stored until the data subject withdraws their consent, unless there is another legal basis for the processing.

Right to rectification and erasure of personal data
The data subject has the right to obtain from us without undue delay the rectification of inaccurate personal data concerning him or her. The data subject also has the right to obtain from us the erasure of personal data concerning him or her without undue delay as soon as the purpose of the storage no longer applies or, if the processing is based on the consent of the data subject, if the data subject withdraws his or her consent and there is no other legal basis for the processing.

The personal data of the data subject will continue to be erased if the data subject objects to the processing pursuant to Art. 21 (1) GDPR and there are no overriding legitimate grounds for the processing, if the personal data has been processed unlawfully or if erasure is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation imposed by European or national legislators in regulations to which the association is subject.

However, the personal data will not be erased in the cases described above if the processing of the personal data is necessary for the association to fulfil a legal obligation imposed on it by the European or national legislator or if the processing is necessary for the performance of a task carried out by the association in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in the association or if the further storage of the personal data is necessary for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims.

Right of revocation
If the processing of personal data is based on the consent of the data subject, the data subject may withdraw their consent at any time. The processing of personal data carried out until the revocation remains lawful despite the revocation.

Right to information
The data subject has the right to request confirmation from the organisation as to whether personal data relating to them is being processed. If this is the case, the data subject has a right to information about which personal data is involved and for what purposes it is processed. They also have a right to information about the duration of the planned storage of this data and which criteria are used to determine the storage period.

4. Statistical survey / cookies

We do not use any external or internal data analysis services. Only session cookies are used. These store information that assigns online activities to a single browser session. The session cookie is deleted again when the browser is closed. These technically necessary cookies store data that is absolutely essential for the functions of a website. This means, for example, saving log-in data or language selection.

5. Data protection provisions about the application and use of Facebook

On this website, the controller has integrated components of the enterprise Facebook. Facebook is a social network. A social network is a social meeting place operated on the Internet, an online community that generally enables users to communicate with each other and interact in virtual space. A social network can serve as a platform for the exchange of opinions and experiences or enable the Internet community to provide personal or company-related information. Facebook enables users of the social network to create private profiles, upload photos and network via friend requests, among other things.

The operating company of Facebook is Facebook, Inc, 1 Hacker Way, Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA. If a data subject lives outside the USA or Canada, the controller for the processing of personal data is Facebook Ireland Ltd, 4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbour, Dublin 2, Ireland.

With each call-up to one of the individual pages of this Internet site, which is operated by the controller and on which a Facebook component (Facebook plug-in) was integrated, the Internet browser on the information technology system of the data subject is automatically prompted to download a display of the corresponding Facebook component from Facebook through the Facebook component. A complete overview of all Facebook plug-ins can be accessed at During the course of this technical procedure, Facebook is made aware of what specific sub-page of our website was visited by the data subject.
If the data subject is logged in at the same time on Facebook, Facebook recognises which specific sub-page of our website the data subject is visiting each time the data subject accesses our website and for the entire duration of their stay on our website. This information is collected by the Facebook component and assigned by Facebook to the respective Facebook account of the data subject. If the data subject clicks on one of the Facebook buttons integrated on our website, for example the "Like" button, or if the data subject makes a comment, Facebook assigns this information to the personal Facebook user account of the data subject and stores this personal data.

Facebook always receives information via the Facebook component that the data subject has visited our website if the data subject is logged in to Facebook at the same time as accessing our website; this takes place regardless of whether the data subject clicks on the Facebook component or not. If the data subject does not want this information to be transmitted to Facebook, they can prevent the transmission by logging out of their Facebook account before accessing our website.

The data policy published by Facebook, which is available at, provides information about the collection, processing and use of personal data by Facebook. It also explains the setting options Facebook offers to protect the privacy of the data subject. In addition, various applications are available that make it possible to suppress the transmission of data to Facebook. Such applications can be used by the data subject to suppress data transmission to Facebook.

6. Datenschutzbestimmungen zu Einsatz und Verwendung von Instagram

Der für die Verarbeitung Verantwortliche hat auf dieser Internetseite Komponenten des Dienstes Instagram integriert. Instagram ist ein Dienst, der als audiovisuelle Plattform zu qualifizieren ist und den Nutzern das Teilen von Fotos und Videos und zudem eine Weiterverbreitung solcher Daten in anderen sozialen Netzwerken ermöglicht.

Betreibergesellschaft der Dienste von Instagram ist die Instagram LLC, 1 Hacker Way, Building 14 First Floor, Menlo Park, CA, USA.

With each call-up to one of the individual pages of this Internet site, which is operated by the controller and on which an Instagram component (Insta button) was integrated, the Internet browser on the information technology system of the data subject is automatically prompted to the download of a display of the corresponding Instagram component of Instagram. As part of this technical process, Instagram receives information about which specific subpage of our website is visited by the data subject.
If the data subject is logged in at the same time on Instagram, Instagram recognises with each call-up to our website by the data subject and for the entire duration of their stay on our Internet site, which specific sub-page of our Internet page was visited by the data subject. This information is collected by the Instagram component and assigned by Instagram to the respective Instagram account of the data subject. If the data subject clicks on one of the Instagram buttons integrated on our website, the data and information transmitted with it is assigned to the personal Instagram user account of the data subject and stored and processed by Instagram.

Instagram always receives information via the Instagram component that the data subject has visited our website if the data subject is logged in to Instagram at the same time as accessing our website; this takes place regardless of whether the data subject clicks on the Instagram component or not. If the data subject does not want this information to be transmitted to Instagram, they can prevent the transmission by logging out of their Instagram account before accessing our website.

Further information and the applicable data protection provisions of Instagram may be retrieved under and